As Christmas is now fast approaching there are a couple of Christmas details we need to share with you, so please read all the way to the bottom!
Women's Safety Services SA Toy Drive
As (hopefully) you know, we are still collecting toys for the Women's Safety Services SA Christmas Toy Drive, for approximately 5,000 women and their children in South Australia who have experienced domestic violence this year.
We are offering a drop off point for any NEW toys for the kids or gifts for mum that they can choose to wrap up and give to each other on Christmas Day. We are not asking you to buy new gifts (unless you want to), we are asking you to please consider looking through your cupboards for any new items (with tags) that you may not want and can pass on to someone who doesn't have anything this year. The last day to drop off your unwrapped gift is THIS FRIDAY to 103 Reid Avenue, Hectorville. We sincerely thank you for helping these women and children at this time.
If you are experiencing domestic violence, please do not hesitate to get in contact with Women's Safety Services.
As Christmas is now fast approaching there are a couple of Christmas details we need to share with you, so please read all the way to the bottom!
Women's Safety Services SA Toy Drive
As (hopefully) you know, we are still collecting toys for the Women's Safety Services SA Christmas Toy Drive, for approximately 5,000 women and their children in South Australia who have experienced domestic violence this year.
We are offering a drop off point for any NEW toys for the kids or gifts for mum that they can choose to wrap up and give to each other on Christmas Day. We are not asking you to buy new gifts (unless you want to), we are asking you to please consider looking through your cupboards for any new items (with tags) that you may not want and can pass on to someone who doesn't have anything this year. The last day to drop off your unwrapped gift is THIS FRIDAY to 103 Reid Avenue, Hectorville. We sincerely thank you for helping these women and children at this time.
If you are experiencing domestic violence, please do not hesitate to get in contact with Women's Safety Services.

November Giveaway
Each month we give one of our subscribers a delicious box of meals valued at $150! It is our great pleasure to announce that the winner for November will be notified TODAY. So please check your inbox!

Christmas Trading Hours
We will remain open over the Christmas period.
If you are a Weekly Value Bundle subscriber and you are planning to go away this Christmas, could you please let us know as soon as possible, so we can skip your deliveries for you?
If you are going away and are concerned about a loved one that could use some support with meals, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We are planning on cooking a turkey (as requested) in the lead up to Christmas!
There is only one public holiday that will affect your delivery day and that is Monday 28th December, when our kitchen will be closed. There will be NO DELIVERIES on Tuesday 29th December.
If you normally receive your delivery on Tuesday 29 December, you will receive your meals on Wednesday 30th December. If you normally receive your meals on Wednesday 30th December, you will receive your meals on Thursday 31st December.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us on 8123 5338 or email hello@thefamilycook.com.au
Best wishes,
Victoria &
The Family Cook Team x
Victoria &
The Family Cook Team x